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Article I - Membership

Membership classifications, privileges, duties and dues structures shall be provided in the Standing Rules.

Article II - Officers, Executive Committee and Committees

Section 1.

  1. Election
    The Officers shall be elected at the Annual Business Meeting by majority vote of the delegate assembly.
  2. Term
    The Officers shall take office upon the close of the Annual Business Meeting and serve thereafter until the final adjournment of the next Annual Business Meeting.
  3. Combination of Offices
    No offices shall be combined.
  4. Vacancies
    The Executive Committee shall fill vacancies by appointment.
  5. Resignation
    The LPB should be notified within seven days of the resignation of an Officer or member of the Executive Committee.
  6. Qualifications
    No individual shall serve on the Executive Committee or on Standing Committees unless proof of the following conditions has been demonstrated to the Executive Committee:
    1. The individual is a member of the LPB.
  7. Suspension
    Unexcused nonattendance of an officer at three (3) Executive Committee meetings per term or two (2) consecutive Executive Committee meetings may result in suspension. Suspension of Officers and Standing Committee members shall be reserved to the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall have the power to suspend Officers and Standing Committee members by two-thirds vote. Upon notification of suspension, the Officer or Standing Committee member shall have 30 days to submit a written appeal. Failure to appeal shall be interpreted as acceptance of the suspension.

Section 2. Officer Duties

  1. Chair
    The Chair shall be the head of the LPB, presiding over all the meetings of the party, the Annual Business Meeting, and the Executive Committee Meetings. The Chair is the official spokesperson for the LPB. The Chair shall develop and provide -- with the Secretary -- the agenda for all meetings. The Chair shall coordinate business with the executive committee. This shall include filing a biannual report with the executive committee due on the last day of the months of July and January. The report will include all activities planned and all activities completed since the last report.
  2. Vice Chair
    The Vice Chair is responsible for membership recruitment. With the Chair's approval the Vice Chair shall order supplies and literature for use in outreach activities. The Vice Chair shall send outreach literature to any individual requesting information on the LP in Brevard County. In the Chair's absence, the Vice Chair is responsible for conducting meetings. The Vice Chair shall coordinate all committee activities.
  3. Treasurer
    The Treasurer shall be the custodian of all funds, receiving and disposing of the funds at the discretion of the Executive Committee and subject to the standing rules. This will include: balancing and ledgering all LPB accounts; providing a written financial report at each Executive Committee meeting; Completing and filing all reports with the Supervisor of Elections in Brevard County; maintaining the fidelity bond as required by the State of Florida; and providing for the annual audit as required by law.
  4. Secretary
    The Secretary shall serve as recorder for all meetings of the party, Annual Business Meetings, and Executive Committee meetings. The secretary shall be the custodian of the minutes of all meetings, correspondence, committee reports, and the Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules. With the Chair, the Secretary shall develop and provide the agenda for all meetings.

Section 3. Committees

The Chair or the Executive Committee may appoint such committees as are deemed necessary to conduct the business of the LPB and its meetings.

Article III - Meetings

Section 1. Agenda

The Recording Secretary will coordinate with the LPB Chairman and prepare an agenda prior to all Executive committee meetings. The agenda will be E-Mailed to all Executive Committee members no later than one day prior to the scheduled meeting date.

Section 2. Parliamentary Procedure

Robert's Rules of Order as most recently revised shall be the parliamentary authority for all matters not covered by the Constitution, By-Laws, and Standing Rules.

Section 3. Executive Committee Meetings

The Executive Committee shall meet as prescribed in the Standing Rules.

The powers and duties of the Executive Committees are prescribed by the Constitution, By-Laws and Standing Rules, and by the direction of the party at the Annual Business Meeting.

A quorum of the Executive Committee shall be one-half plus one of currently filled Executive Committee seats.

Section 4. Annual Business Meetings

The Executive Committee shall set the agenda and business of the LPB Annual Business Meetings.

The Executive Committee shall be the deliberative body in matters of dispute and its decisions may be appealed to the members at the Annual Business Meeting in assembly according to the Standing Rules.

Article IV - Finance and Accounting

Section 1. Fiscal Year

The fiscal year of the LPB shall begin on January 1st.

Section 2. Chief Financial Officer

The Treasurer shall be the chief financial officer.

Section 3. Accounting

The Executive Committee shall cause an efficient system of accounting and budgeting to be installed and maintained, including audit and legal necessities. All expenditures in excess of $25.00 shall be made by check.

Section 4. Checking Account

The party checking account must be set up to require two signatures per check, one being the Treasurer, the other being the Party Chair.

Article V - Adoption and Amendments

Section 1. Adoption

Adoption of the By-Laws will be consistent with the adoption of the Constitution.

Section 2. Amendments

Amendments may be presented by the Executive Committee or from the floor at the Annual Business Meeting and approved by a majority vote of the members attending.



This page was last updated 07/02/00 01:51 PM