1999-04-06 ExComm Minutes
Home Up


by Luke Setzer

The LPB Executive Committee (ExComm) met at Choo Choo's B-B-Q and Lounge in Cocoa on April 6, 1999. The meeting commenced at 6:00 PM.  Members present were Lee McLamb (Chair), Luke Setzer (Secretary), Ross Nordeen (Membership Chair), David Hobbs (Vice Chair) and John Cornett (Treasurer).  Absent was Richard Hall (Media Chair).

  1. Officer Reports:
    1. Chair: Lee McLamb reported that Richard Hall has succeeded in getting most of the major steps accomplished for obtaining a bulk mail permit for the LPB.  He also reported that we need to complete the phone tree by asking people these two key questions:
      1. Are you really a Libertarian?
      2. Do you want to be active?
    2. Vice-Chair: David Hobbs presented an offer from General Gene Sterling to take over the Home Rule Charter Committee (HRCC).  After considerable discussion, the ExComm decided against this offer due to lack of resources.  However, the LPB general membership will be solicited for volunteers to canvas neighborhoods with pre-printed petitions in cooperation with HRCC.  David also expressed dissatisfaction with the National Libertarian Party (NLP) brochures.
    3. Treasurer: John Cornett stated that about 10% of the major mailouts were returned due to bad addresses.  He did file the requisite financial summary with the Supervisor of Elections.
    4. Secretary: Luke Setzer reported that we need to start thinking right away about the May platform meeting.  He also asserted that it is critical for us to start getting our newsletters out on time.  He suggested we switch to a larger format, such as legal-sized paper, as we generate more newsworthy items.  In response to David Hobbs' complaints about the NLP brochures, Luke also offered to write a brochure unique to the LPB.
  2. Committee Reports:
    1. Membership: Ross Nordeen will visit the Post Office later this week to complete the bulk mail permit process.  He will also generate a report of dues-paying members.
    2. Electoral Victory: David Hobbs continues his search for upcoming elections in 2000.
    3. Media: No report.
  3. Monthly LPB Meeting
    1. Lessons Learned from March Social: The turnout at Lee McLamb's house was poor, indicating a distinct need to keep using the phone tree method.
    2. Plans for April Meeting: The April meeting will be held at the Windover Farms Pavilion with the help of John Cornett.  The mission of this and future meetings will be:
      1. Get non-members to join.
      2. Recruit people for the Membership Committee.
      3. Plug first Membership Committee meeting in calendar.
  4. Projects and Activities
    1. OPH Booth: No report.
    2. New Projects: No report.
    3. Annual Budget: No report.
  5. Action Items:
    1. John Cornett: Deposit dues received from major mailout.
    2. Ross Nordeen:
      1. Call potential Membership Committee candidates.
      2. Check on bulk mail permit.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 PM.


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