Beyond "Education Reform"
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Marshall Fritz
Fresno, Calif., founder of
Separation of School & State Alliance
(a national grass-roots organization)

will present

"Why Americans Need the Separation of School and State"

Friday, May 22, 1998
7:00 PM

Merritt Towers Clubhouse
225 S. Sykes Creek Pkwy. Parking at Merritt Square Mall

For further info call
Chuck Avey 452-5169

Separation means the elimination of local, state, national, and international governments from all aspects of education, including financing, determining curriculum, specifying outcomes, compelling attendance, credentialing teachers, and the accrediting and operating of schools. The idea of getting government completely out of schooling is quickly moving into the mainstream press and has been written about in the Los Angeles Daily News, the Conservative Chronicle and the Detroit News.

This is your opportunity to meet one of the most energetic, thoughtful, and provocative personalities in the education reform movement. Marshall Fritz is Director of the Fresno, California based Separation of School and State Alliance, founded in 1994. It's mission is to show Americans how getting local, state and federal governments completely out of schooling can improve academic achievement, and reverse the cultural trend of anger, violence, and aimlessness that afflicts so many of today's youth.

If you support tax-funded vouchers or charter schools, you will hear perhaps the best arguments against them, and for alternatives such as home schooling and privately-funded vouchers. If you oppose Outcome Based Education, you will learn why some of your fellow opponents think the traditional alternatives are also flawed. If you support the public school system, you're invited to put your beliefs to the test.

Marshall Fritz will answer the questions of local educators, administrators & reporters who have been invited to sit on our special panel of cross-examiners. There will be ample time given for questions from the audience.


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